Gabri Christa deeply researches the topic of each project, So her creative works often are accompanied by written publications.
Read: Publications Essays

To Make Visible Everywhere: Our Bold, Beautiful, Aging Bodies
Gabri Christa guest edited this issue of The Scholar & Feminist Online (Summer 2023) along with Sheril Antonio. Gabri also contributed “Some History and an Introduction,” “Sheila: A Short, Experimental Documentary,” and “Sajda: A Celebration” to the issue.

Screendance Festivals and Online Audiences
The International Journal of Screendance published an edited version of the roundtable entitled “Screendance Festivals and Online Audiences” featuring Gabri Christa discussing moving the 2020 Moving Body-Moving Image Festival online.

This Little Black Doll
This essay is part of the text I wrote for my Performance Piece Magdalena, which is about this Little Black Doll that belonged to my mother.

In Loving Memeory of Leo Floridas
A memorial for Leo Floridas, my yoga teacher, who started the first Yoga School on Curaçao.

Dance Magic Dance: A Case Study of AR/360 Video and the Performing Arts
An essay published in “Augmented and Virtual Reality in Libraries” (2018) in which Gabri Christa writes about screendance.

The Wisdom of Insecurity as a Guide to Music and Dance Collaboration
An essay published in “A Life in Dance: A Practical Guide” (May 2017), a book written by dancer, choreographer, and professor Rebecca Stenn and dancer, producer, and consultant Fran Kirmser. The first half of the book delivers informative and personal narratives from approximately 40 dancers, including Gabri Christa. The second half of the book offers a resource guide for dancers.

Another Building; an artistic exploration of history and place
An essay published in “The Scholar & Feminist Online” (Spring 2009) in which Gabri Christa writes about the making of two of her another building films.

De smaak van zand
Gabri Christa was invited by the editor, John Leerdam (a politician and theater maker born in Curaçao), as one of forty successful Antilleans to write a personal story about their bond with the Antilles. Through the string of personal stories and the unique visual material, De antillen en ik provides a new and unexpected picture of the Antilles.

Tambu: Afro Curaçao's Music and Dance of Resistance
An essay published in Caribbean Dance from “Abakuá to Zouk” (2002) in which Gabri Christa writes about dance in Curaçao.