Wishes for 2012 and more

Dear friends,

Wishing for 2012 to be a year of Abundance of Health, Love, Creativity, Prosperity, Peace and Time.

I am deeply grateful for your friendship and support this past year. Nothing can be done alone, so please know I am thankful for your presence in my life.

Many of you have asked me what I am doing these days or have commented to me that you have missed Burnt Sugar/Danz at Lincoln Center this summer or an other event. I am not the best self -promoter, but I do keep a blog, (if you are reading this on the site you are here) so if interested, please subscribe! It is very easy, just add your email address in the space provided on the news page on the top right, where it says subscribe If you would like, I can even do so for you (just, let me know).

2012 promises to be a wonderful year. Quarantine continues its NYC run at 92stY ‘s Fridays at NoonI am fully emerged in the pre-production of the film  “SYNAMO, Farewell my Paradise “, a fictional story about three generations of Creole Jewish women in the small community of Suriname.  This will be a longer film, with both text and dance. If all goes as planned we will be filming next year. Please, read my filmjournal about the project and if you like what you read and you want to make a donation you can do so too.  You will receive a tax receipt from the organization Just Give, which handles the on line donations.

As for donating and giving back, allow me to recommend some other organizations. Doctors Without Borders and some environmental organizations such as Defenders of Wildlife.  I also donated to several kickstarter or Indiegogo projects this past year. Unfortunately I can’t do all that comes my way. I also switched my mobile phone company to CREDO, a company who uses its profits for action. This is my own small gesture in the time of OCCUPY, I have tried as much as possible to live my values.  At our house, we now have 100% wind powered energy, and we continue to bank with a small community bank.  Sometimes a little step can go a long way.

Finally, Here are some organizations that my friends support and recommend (don’t forget to support an ARTS organization too):

  • Farai Chaideya supports: Girls Only Radio, Egypt, run by 25 year old Amani Eltunsidonate

  • Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls, New York

  • Daraja Academy for Girls, Kenya

  • Janera Soerel is raising money for an oxygen tank for a young boy in Haiti.

  • And last but not least, my friend Tanya Selvaratnam continues her ARTS BOOK DRIVE: a performing and visual arts books drive for the Jaffna University library in Sri Lanka.

    • Please contact Tanya at: Tselvar@aol.com, if you would like to give new or gently worn books of plays, theory, design, contemporary art, etc. You can send the books to:
      Tanya Selvaratnam
      504 Grand Street, H13
      New York, NY 10002

Wishing you the year you wish for. And thank you for reading.



See ART TREK NYC with Gabri Christa and Vernon Reid on TV a few times this month.


Memory and Art